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Lori Reese

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  1. Women who are pregnant are increasingly using marijuana to help treat their morning sickness, among other pregnancy-related problems or pre-existing conditions. Although evidence is limited, there are concerns regarding the effects of marijuana, such as low birth weight and other health-related issues that can arise from prenatal marijuana exposure. Read More: https://docmj.com/can-i-smoke-legal-marijuana-while-pregnant/
  2. These Strains May Give Your Appetite a Boost While most of us complain about weight gain and try to figure out how to master weight loss to achieve a healthy body mass, some people have conditions that cause the opposite effect. Significant weight loss can be caused by many different health problems and trouble eating. Anorexia nervosa is one condition that causes dangerous fluctuations in body weight. But there are many other reasons why a patient’s appetite can decrease, including cancer treatments, chronic liver or kidney disease, dementia, hepatitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and more. If you feel you may have a clinical condition that is causing you to stop eating, medical cannabis may help with appetite stimulation. Certain strains of cannabis can contribute to a temporary appetite increase, which may help many patients cope with involuntary weight loss. Read More >> https://docmj.com/these-strains-may-give-your-appetite-a-boost/
  3. High Rolling? The Top Five Most Expensive Strains in the World While you are hunting for the best deals at your local dispensary, it’s hard not to wonder how “high” cannabis prices can go. Not just in the United States but worldwide. Paying $90 to $130 per ounce can feel uncomfortable, but when you consider the most expensive cannabis strains in the world, start at $800 per ounce. Your perspective may change. Read more >>> https://docmj.com/high-rolling-the-top-five-most-expensive-strains-in-the-world/
  4. What is the Difference Between Medical vs. Recreational Marijuana? Many people live in a state that has a medical cannabis program and legalized recreational use. If you have your medical card, you may be wondering whether you should keep it, as recreational requires no registration fee or health check-up. Or adherence to state medical marijuana laws. If you have not applied for your medical marijuana card, you may also be weighing the advantages of being a registered patient versus purchasing cannabis from a recreational dispensary. There are many reasons why physicians recommend medical marijuana to patients who have medical conditions. Read more >>> https://docmj.com/difference-medical-recreational-marijuana/
  5. 7 Strains That Can Have Psychedelic Effects But have you ever tried a strain of medical cannabis that was more cerebral than you hoped? A combination of high creativity, energy, and some pretty trippy visuals? It may surprise you to learn that there are some psychedelic strains in the cannabis family. On the other hand, some people enjoy the ‘head high’ and altered visuals that psychedelic weed provides. If you have been curious about hallucinogenic marijuana, this article is a great place to start. Check it out >> https://docmj.com/7-cannabis-strains-that-can-have-psychedelic-effects/
  6. 7 New Strains of Medical Cannabis to Try Have you ever walked into a dispensary and wondered why some strains of medical cannabis are more expensive than others? They are grown the same way, and essentially it is the same plant that provides the same psychoactive effects, right? Some people claim that they can’t tell the difference between cannabis strains, with the exception of smell or scent and flavor. But other people seem to be sensitive to variations in content and the combination of THC with other cannabinoids, like cannabigerol, cannabidiol (CBD), and cannabinol (CBN). Read More >>> https://docmj.com/7-new-strains-of-medical-cannabis-to-try/
  7. Strain Feature: All About Gorilla Glue #4 (GG4) The ‘king of the jungle’ remains one of the top-selling cannabis strains for medical use and is revered among cannabis connoisseurs. Gorilla Glue #4, also known as Original Glue, is a strain known for producing high-potency THC batches with a robust terpene profile. The Indica dominant strain is known for both its pain and stress-relieving qualities, as well as its ability to ease users into a relaxed night’s sleep. For some, it can even be energizing at certain doses. Read More >>> https://docmj.com/strain-feature-all-about-gorilla-glue-marijuana-4-gg4/
  8. What is Cannabis Assisted Mental Health Therapy? The use of cannabis-assisted psychotherapy could help escalate the therapeutic process for patients. And promote relief of symptoms that result from the inability to express pain, loss, or traumatic experiences. Patients may experience improved mood and heightened self-awareness, demonstrating more progress in resolving their underlying mental health concerns. Learn more >>> https://docmj.com/what-is-cannabis-assisted-mental-health-therapy/
  9. @Bill Scott There is a blog we provided that talks about medical cannabis and Parkinson's disease which may be helpful for you. https://docmj.com/is-cannabis-effective-in-treating-parkinsons-disease/
  10. Can Cannabis Give Your Self-Esteem a Boost? Feelings of sadness and dissatisfaction in life can stem from low self-esteem issues. Have you ever wondered if medical marijuana for self-esteem issues would work for you? This article will talk about the causes of poor self-esteem and how cannabis, combined with counseling psychology, may help. Check it out on our blog >>> https://docmj.com/can-cannabis-give-your-self-esteem-a-boost/
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